2022 CVRFFN Coalition Meetings

CVRFFN Coalition!

We’re thrilled to be able to share our meeting schedule with you for the remainder of 2022. Meetings will be held every other month, on the second Wednesday of the month–with an exception in summer. While the days are consistent, it is important to note that the location, as well as the time, will vary slightly.

Based on feedback from you all, we wanted to take the opportunity to meet virtually, go on field trips, and hear from folks doing great things in our community’s local food system. We look forward to seeing you all in the coming months!

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 13th. Starting at 9:00AM, this meeting will take place over Zoom. We will have a TBD* speaker join us! Register for the meeting using this link. https://uni.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIsduGupzwjE92NmYG1xJRFa4tmNr2t3_BT

On Wednesday, June 8th, our coalition will gather for an in-person field trip! We’ll take a look at some local growing infrastructure at a TBD* location and time.

As summer turns to fall, we will gather for another in-person field trip on Wednesday, September 14th! Again, we’ll find each other at a TBD* location and time to learn more about local growing infrastructure and network.

Wednesday, November 9th will be a time of reflection as we recap our projects from the year, discuss potential partnerships we’re interested in developing during the 2023 off season, and discuss the CVRFFN calendar for the next year. This meeting will be at 2:00PM. It is TBD* whether we will meet in-person at the Northeast Iowa Food Bank or over Zoom.

In addition to our bi-monthly meetings, we’re also looking forward to introducing additional opportunities to you this year aimed to increase our knowledge of and appreciation for our local producers. Please keep an eye out for more information on this, to be released soon!

We can’t wait to see you all on Wednesday, April 13th at 9:00AM! Please continue to communicate with us how the Cedar Valley Regional Food and Farm Network Coalition can better serve you.


Jodie Huegerich & Clarissa Klostermann

UNI Local Food Program 

*We will be continuing to update our calendar events as more information becomes available for each date.